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Understanding Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Question: Examine about the Understanding Enterprise for Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Answer: Presentation: Present day ...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chinese History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinese History - Essay Example The paper tells that the Ming Literature texts address issues of consumption in both negative and positive ways. However, they are not detached from a discourse of morality, governance and universal order discourse that links humanity from any class in the society. In the Ming China, the majority of the population was busy with issues of whether to consume enough of the available necessities of life to avoid death rather than the choices about consumption. The difference of access was clear in the choices in terms of the range of commodities to be used. The elite are the ones who make decisions on how things out to be. Therefore, as Clunas points out, â€Å" in the pre-industrial world of goods of the Ming elite is a clear parallel to the situation described by Adrian Forty as intrinsic to the more complex world of the nineteenth century in Europe and America†. Thus, the writings reveal the manner in which consumption f luxury goods affected decision-making and class struggles in Ming China. In my opinion, The Ming Literature texts address issues of consumption in Ming China and show that Ming was a materialistic individual who wanted to preserve the culture and class system of ancient China. The issue in Ming China was not about what to consume but about the amount to consume with respect to the different classes that people occupied. This clearly shows the class anxieties between the elite and the low classes where the elite wanted to preserve their status by all means. This explains the consumption of luxurious goods by the elites.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How does carnival reflex the culture from where it comes from And Essay

How does carnival reflex the culture from where it comes from And Consider the nature of carnival - Essay Example Carnival and related activities are generally a transformation of local traditional beliefs and rituals. Different rituals in carnivals are validated on the belief that they bring good fortune, solve problems, and appease out angry forefathers passed in a new world. Carnivals reflect the culture from where they originate. Following discussions will bring out the cultural reflections from rituals and celebrations of carnivals. Three carnivals, Carnival of Veneza, Notting Hill Carnival and Australian Carnival Mardi Grass are discussed in particular to show how different rituals are influenced from the land of their origin. All carnivals, from Rio to Australian Mardi Gras, give a peek in to the culture of their origin. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is considered as one of the biggest show of celebration on the earth. It is best example of cultural reflections on carnivals. Samba, a dance brought over by African slaves with them, is the main attraction of the celebration. The dance has seen a rapid transformation over years, it was fused with the choros, street bands of Brazil, but still its vivacious color and free spirited movements reflects an African culture and reminds of its historical evolution. The history of carnival of Veneza dates back to 2nd May 1268. Carnival starts around two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, the day before Ash Wednesday. Traditionally, masks have been central theme of the celebrations. People wear different types of Venetian masks such as Bauta, Moretta and Larva and disguise themselves as a symbolism of social and economical equality. Wearing of masks has been prohibited many times under different governments citing different political and religious issues and the carnival was dormant for several centuries. The origin of carnival of Veneza has several historical significances. It